Axe-Fest Germany 2014 | Reviews


Axe-Fest 2019 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Sep 28, 2012
Kleiner Vorgeschmack gefällig? Hier die Plots vom VOX incl. MIX (neumann TLM103 Nearfield + AT2035 rear Corner) - oben rechts zu sehen ...



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Okt 27, 2012
Sieht ziemlich höhenreich aus. Ich freue mich sehr darauf, das selbst zu testen, da ich den VOX ganz gern bei cleanen und crunchigen Sachen benutze.
Guter Job, Marcus :)

Die Shots gibt's ja dann sicher auch alle einzeln zum selber mixen?


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Jan 21, 2014
Also ihr seid mir schon so ein paar wahnsinnige spezielle Gitarrenmenschen mit Soundgeschmack und Hang zu 0 und 1. Wie gern wär ich dabei gewesen. Umso mehr, wenn ich das alles hier lese.
Nächstes Jahr!
Und ich freu mich auf die IRs. Irgendwie muss ich die vielen User-Cabs ja voll bekommen ... ;-)

Sent from my Phone using Tapatalk


Axe-Fest 2019 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Sep 28, 2012
Text für das Axe-Fext Germany 2014 CAB PACK. Kann das wer Korrekturlesen? Mein englisch ist grottig.... JA, ENGLISCH! WIR MACHEN DAS JETZT INTERNATIONAL :p ("you MUST read me.txt"-Datei, was includiert wird):

Axe-Fest 2014 Germany CAB PACK
The german community ( proudly presents this give away non-commercial Cab Pack, created at the german Axe-est 2014.
This was a lot of work. Not only to capture those IR`s, but also to rename them logical, convert them and give all the additional informations and pictures you hold in your hand now! We checked them out side-by-side in comparison to the real Deal and also in comparision to Factory Cabs, TAF IRs, OH Irs. And we think, they are more than worth to try them. We think, they did absoluteley not stay behind the commercial ones. So, if you like it, say THANK YOU ;)

credits and thanks to:
User ICHL (Diezel 2x12, Celestions G12K100)
User J.P (VOX AC30, Celestions Blue "Bulldog")
User SOULSHINEMULE (Fender Super Reverb 4x10, Jensen P12 (original Fender labeled))
All the Users bringing all their fine microphones (Neumann TLM103; Beyerdynamic M201TG; Sennheiser E906; Sennheiser E609; Shure SM57; Audia Tecnica 2035; Sennheiser MD421; Sennheiser MD441)
User JOJOLAMENACE (Jojo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter)
User ALbertA (AlbertA Axe-Fx IR Converter)
Ownhammer (axe-o-matic)

... and of course: Fractalaudio! We AB`ed the Unit to real Amps and Cabs extensively at the Axe-Fest 2014 Germany. What we found out? The Axe-Fx is the REAL DEAL! Better than spot on! We all know how good the Unit is, but we were SHOCKED HOW INCREDIBLE PERFECT GOOD it is (at the SAME Speaker cabinet of course, amplified with a Matrix GT1000) in comparison to different real amps.

IR formats (conversions via):
- Axe-Fx II ".ir" (original 8K RAW data)
- Axe-Fx II "UltraRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> UltraRes)
- Axe-Fx II "HighRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard)
- Axe-Fx II XL "UltraRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> UltraRes)
- Axe-Fx II XL "HighRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard)
- WAV 32bit ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter -> WAV 32bit)
- WAV 24bit ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter -> WAV 24bit)
- Axe-Fx Ultra+Standard ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Converter -> WAV 32bit -> Ownhammer axe-o-matic -> Axe-Fx .syx)

File description:
[Brand] [Type] [Speaker] [Mic] [Position]
[DIEZEL] [2x12] [G12K100] [E609] [N]

Mic position description:
N = Nearfield, front of speaker
R = "rear corner" ( = Audia Tecnica 2035; to get a flavour of the box; see pictures. More infos:
A = Ambient, of axis, front of the box.

------------- DIEZEL 2x12 MIX N+R -------------
At the Axe-Fest, we did two AB comparisons between the actual cabinet and the IRs of the actual cabinet throug a Matrix Q12a FRFR Box. We found out, that we came very close and absolutely in the "ballpark" of the actual Diezel Box by mixing the Sennheiser E906 (Nearfield) plus Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner"). Pressure and "amp-in-the room" feeling was very close, freequency wise a bit different, but also very close. Many people stated, that they liked the sound, push and power of the Q12a with the two IRs mixed (50/50) together more, than the actual Diezel Box! And you have to know: The DIEZEL 2x12 Cabinet is a awesome piece of Rock! No Joke!

------------- VOX AC30 Blue MIX N+R -------------
The second AB comparison was the actual VOX AC30 vs. Q12a, "loaded" with a 50/50 mix of the Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield) + Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner"). We were SHOCKED! The "amp-in-the-room" feel was not very close, it was damn the same! Nobody has dreamed of, that this would be possible! Frequency/Soundwise the actual VOX Cab vs. the Q12a with the mixed IRs came extremely close. Nobody calculated, that this would be able!

------------- Fender SuperReverb P12 MIX N+R -------------
No real AB comparison. Based on the experience we`ve made with the other two Cabs. 50/50 Mix Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield) + Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner").

Plots / Frequency Response Images:
NOTE: These Plots are made with AlbertA Axe-Fx IR Converter. This means: The plots represent NOT UltraRes, but HighRes to WAV32 bit converted IRs! If you want see the plots of the original 8K RAW IR & UltraRes, you`ll have kindly to ask Cliff ;).

Axe-Fx II PRESETS (based on FW14.02):
------------- Reu-O-Grande -------------
This Preset represents the summary of two AB comparisons:

1) AB Reußenzehn Reu-O-Grande (Raw Plexi Type of Amp from german Tube-Amp Guru Thomas Reußenzehn) vs. Axe-Fx II Sim amplified by Matrix GT1000. Test: Guitar -> A/B Box. A -> Reußenzehn -> Diezel 2x12 -> Speaker left. B -> Axe-Fx Amp-Sim -> Matrix GT1000 -> Diezel 2x12 -> Speaker right.
We checked for sure, both speakers sounds nearly identical. They do.
The Reußenzehn Reu-O-Grande is a "biest" of Amp: Raw, gritty, dirty, cleans perfectly up with guitar Volume. Volume fully -> A blast of Vintage Rock`n Roll! Everybody was stunning how incredible this Amp sounds through the also incredible Diezel 2x12 cabinet. Some Axe-Owners said, no, i don`t believe, the Axe can do that, really. This Amp is too awesome. First, we try the "Plexi 100W Normal" Sim in the Axe. Leveled both chains to same subjective volume. AB`ed: To dark, not enough gain. Instead of tweaking, we switch to the "Plexi 100W High" Sim. Everything (!) on default = Amp Sim reset. AB`ed: BAM! Same grit, punch, gain structure, dirt, pressure. But still a bit darker, than the Reußenzehn. So, we did ONE tweak: Presence to 10. AB`ed: STUNNING. READY. Both sounds (nearly) identical. Unbelievable. Let`s do a blind test: Hand in front of the Input Leds, somebody else switched wild beetween the two chains - no audible difference. We ask the player: Which one did you play? Reußenzehn or Axe-Fx? He said: Reußenzehn. Hand of the Input LEDs, they flicker when playin`. No MAN, you play the AXE-FX!

Conclusion: Reußenzehn Amp = Axe-Fx "Plexi 100W High", everything (!!!!!) default, but Presence to 10 + Matrix GT1000.

2) Diezel 2x12 cabinet vs. Cab IRs of the actual cabinet through Matrix Q12a FRFR Box. Now, only the "Axe-Fx Reußenzehn" + Matrix GT1000 -> Diezel 2x12 (now both speakers!) vs. "Axe-Fx Reußenzehn" + CAB Block with IRs of the Diezel 2x12, we shot and include in this CAB PACK - through Q12a. We found out, that the Cab was really good represented with a 50/50 MIX using the Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield front) + Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner"). Same punch and pressure, the charackter of the actual cabinet was really well represented. Frequency wise not 100% the same, but absolutely in the same ballpark. Many of the people said, that they liked now the Q12a with the "Diezel 2x12 G12K100 MIX N+R" IR more, than the actual cabinet!

So, try it out for yourself: Put the "Diezel 2x12 G12K100 MIX N+R" IR in the Cab Block and rock on!

------------- Vox AC30 -------------
This Preset represents the following comparison:

Guitar -> Vox AC30, loaded with 2x12" Celestions Blue "Bulldog" Speakers vs. Guitar -> Axe-Fx II "Class-A 30W" / "Class-A 30W TB" through Matrix Q12a FRFR Box.
Our User Pacosipulami knows a lot of AC30`s, because he make his living by repairing Amps! He stated, that this Exemplar was one of the best AC30, he ever played through. Brown Tolex, around 1987-1989. 6 (!) Inputs. 3 different * low & high.
This was "unreal" ;) Switching just the guitar cable between the actual Amp and the Axe-Rig, we did not believe it, but we hear it: No (NO!) difference in the "amp-in-the-room" area. Also soundwise/frequencywise, both Rigs sounds damn close! We used again a combination of two IRs: "Vox AC30 Blue TLM103 N" Nearfield front IR + "Vox AC30 Blue AT2035 R" "rear corner" IR. The "Vox AC30 Blue MIX N+R" IR in this package represent exactly that 50/50 mix, mixed in CabLab.

You want a clean AC30? Keep the Input Drive there, where the Input drive (= Volume on the Amp) is on the actual amp: slightly under 9 o`clock!!!! Raise instead the Amp-Sim Volume!
You want grid and dirt and gain on the real Amp? We raised the Volume to 12 o`clock. It was DAMN LOUD and the actual Amp was everything, but NOT CLEAN! Exactly like the Axe-Fx!

Conclusion: The "right" Cab Ir or Cab IR Mix and therefor the matching FRFR Speaker can emulate the real deal Speaker cabinet soundwise AND feel-wise! This is our experience. Nothing more. Nothing less.Yeah, we were SHOCKED too! ;)
So, try it out for yourself: Put the "Vox AC30 Blue MIX N+R" IR in the Cab Block and rock on! If it`s too bright, raise a bit the Hi-Cut (ca. 10 o`clock). Nothing more to do to match the real deal (matched with Matrix Q12a).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


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Mitglied seit
Okt 12, 2012
So, dieses Wochenende musste ich erst mal sacken lassen. Ich kann eigentlich nur das von den vorigen Posts wiederholen...
Auch noch mal ein herzliches Dankeschön an die Jungs die das alles organisiert und auf die Beine gestellt haben! Respekt! Ich
kann nur im groben erahnen was das alles an Arbeit gemacht hat.

Es gab da schon so einige Momente wo ich dachte ich bin im falschen Film. 3 Knöpfchen drücken, ein Rädchen drehn und.....???!?
20 Leute mit heruntergefallener Kinnlade, Augen wie das "Hot-Shots-Huhn", ungläubiges grinsen und viele Fragezeichen in der Luft.
Ne, kein Fake - das is tatsächlich das Axe-FX!
Fing mit dem Reußenzehn an und fand erst am Sonntag so um die Mittagszeit mit dem VOX ein Ende. Schade dass die Aktion nur noch
wenige mitbekommen haben.

Genauso Krass fand ich die ganze Truppe... Ausnahmslos coole Leute! So macht das noch viel mehr Spaß!! Jede Menge fundiertes Wissen,
jede Menge Spaß und Blödsinn und jede Menge Bier :very_drunk:
Ich bin nächstes mal auf jeden Fall wieder mit dabei. Und Funki... a Schweindl-Bier hob i dann a wieder dabei :p

Danke nochmal an ALLE!! Ihr seid der Hammer!!


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Okt 21, 2012
Hi Markus,

zuerst mal die Infos auf Deutsch würd ich machen.

Dann geht's auch mit der Übersetzunghilfe leichter. Und die, die mit auf Englisch auf Kriegsfuß stehen, werden auch informiert...........Wir wollen ja zuerst wissen, was Ihr alles so getrieben und produziert habt!;)


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Mitglied seit
Okt 21, 2012
Kleiner Vorgeschmack gefällig? Hier die Plots vom VOX incl. MIX
Die müssen sehr offen klingen - wenn ich die mit meinem Tonematchblock von Queen vergleiche.........Schön!


Axe-Fest 2019 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Sep 28, 2012
Hi Markus,

zuerst mal die Infos auf Deutsch würd ich machen.

Dann geht's auch mit der Übersetzunghilfe leichter. Und die, die mit auf Englisch auf Kriegsfuß stehen, werden auch informiert...........Wir wollen ja zuerst wissen, was Ihr alles so getrieben und produziert habt!;)
Also, ich schreibe das jetzt nicht alles nochmal auf deutsch, sorry. Kann aber gerne jemand anderes machen ...


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Axe-Fest 2020 Online Teilnehmer
Axe-Fest 2017 Teilnehmer
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Okt 27, 2012
Damn, Marcus, was hast Du Dir für Arbeit gemacht. Allein für den englischen Text hätte ich 2 Tage gebraucht. RESPEKT!!!!!


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Axe-Fest 2020 Online Teilnehmer
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Axe-Fest 2017 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Okt 7, 2012
Liest sich irgendwie.....naja...etwas ermüdend. Ich würde da eigentlich nicht so sehr ins Detail gehen und in manchen Sätzen hört es sich fast wie eine Parodie auf die Amis an....
Ich denke, daß die Ergebnisse da eigentlich total für sich selbst sprechen....aber laß dich deswegen von mir nicht abschrecken; war's doch sicher viel Arbeit, diese minutiöse Darstellung der Dinge so zusammenzuschreiben...


Text für das Axe-Fext Germany 2014 CAB PACK. Kann das wer Korrekturlesen? Mein englisch ist grottig.... JA, ENGLISCH! WIR MACHEN DAS JETZT INTERNATIONAL :p ("you MUST read me.txt"-Datei, was includiert wird):
Bin einmal quer rüber. Aber würde vieles umschreiben. Und ist sehr anstrengend zu lesen.
Bin mir oft nicht sicher welche Zeitform du haben willst.

Axe-Fest 2014 Germany CAB PACK
The german community ( proudly presents this give-away non-commercial Cab Pack, created at the german Axe-Fest 2014.
This was a lot of work. Not only to capture those IR`s, but also to rename them logically, convert them and give all the additional information and pictures you hold in your hand now! We checked them out side-by-side in comparison to "the real deal" and also in comparision to Factory Cabs, TAF IRs, OH IRs. And we think, they are more than worth to try them. We think, they absoluteley do not stay behind the commercial ones. So, if you like it, say THANK YOU ;)

credits and thanks to:
User ICHL (Diezel 2x12, Celestions G12K100)
User J.P (VOX AC30, Celestions Blue "Bulldog")
User SOULSHINEMULE (Fender Super Reverb 4x10, Jensen P12 (original Fender labeled))
All the Users who brought all their fine microphones (Neumann TLM103; Beyerdynamic M201TG; Sennheiser E906; Sennheiser E609; Shure SM57; Audio Technica 2035; Sennheiser MD421; Sennheiser MD441)
User JOJOLAMENACE (Jojo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter)
User ALbertA (AlbertA Axe-Fx IR Converter)
Ownhammer (axe-o-matic)

... and of course: Fractalaudio! We AB`ed the unit to real amps and cabs extensively at the Axe-Fest 2014 Germany. What we found out? The Axe-Fx is the REAL DEAL! Better than spot on! We all know how good the unit is, but we were SHOCKED HOW INCREDIBLE PERFECTLY GOOD it is (using the SAME Speaker cabinet of course, amplified with a Matrix GT1000) in comparison to different real amps.

IR formats (conversions via):
- Axe-Fx II ".ir" (original 8K RAW data)
- Axe-Fx II "UltraRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> UltraRes)
- Axe-Fx II "HighRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard)
- Axe-Fx II XL "UltraRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> UltraRes)
- Axe-Fx II XL "HighRes" ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard)
- WAV 32bit ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter -> WAV 32bit)
- WAV 24bit ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Axe-Fx IR Converter -> WAV 24bit)
- Axe-Fx Ultra+Standard ( .ir -> CabLab -> Standard -> JoJo`s Converter -> WAV 32bit -> Ownhammer axe-o-matic -> Axe-Fx .syx)

File description:
[Brand] [Type] [Speaker] [Mic] [Position]
[DIEZEL] [2x12] [G12K100] [E609] [N]

Mic position description:
N = Nearfield, front of speaker
R = "rear corner" ( = Audia Tecnica 2035; to get a flavour of the box; see pictures. More infos:
A = Ambient, of axis, front of the box.

------------- DIEZEL 2x12 MIX N+R -------------
At the Axe-Fest, we did two AB comparisons between the actual cabinet and the IRs of the cabinet through a Matrix Q12a FRFR Box. We found out, that we came very close to the actual Diezel Box by mixing the Sennheiser E906 (Nearfield) plus Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner"). Pressure and "amp-in-the room" feeling was very close, freequency wise a bit different, but also very close. Many people stated, that they liked the sound, push and power of the Q12a with the two IRs mixed (50/50) together, more, than the actual Diezel Box! And you have to know: The DIEZEL 2x12 Cabinet is a awesome piece of Rock! No Joke!

------------- VOX AC30 Blue MIX N+R -------------
The second AB comparison was the actual VOX AC30 vs. Q12a, "loaded" with a 50/50 mix of the Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield) + Audia Technica 2035 ("rear corner"). We were SHOCKED! The "amp-in-the-room" feeling was not close, it was damn the same! Nobody would have dreamed, that this could be possible! Frequency/Soundwise the actual VOX Cab vs. the Q12a with the mixed IRs came extremely close. Nobody thought, that this would be possible!

------------- Fender SuperReverb P12 MIX N+R -------------
No real AB comparison. Based on the experience we`ve made with the other two Cabs. 50/50 Mix Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield) + Audio Technica 2035 ("rear corner").

Plots / Frequency Response Images:
NOTE: These Plots are made with AlbertA Axe-Fx IR Converter. This means: The plots does NOT show UltraRes, but HighRes to WAV32 bit converted IRs! If you want see the plots of the original 8K RAW IR & UltraRes, you`ll have kindly to ask Cliff ;).

Axe-Fx II PRESETS (based on FW14.02):
------------- Reu-O-Grande -------------
This Preset represents the summary of two AB comparisons:

1) AB Reußenzehn Reu-O-Grande (Raw Plexi Type of Amp from german Tube-Amp Guru Thomas Reußenzehn) vs. Axe-Fx II Sim amplified by Matrix GT1000. Test: Guitar -> A/B Box. A -> Reußenzehn -> Diezel 2x12 -> Speaker left. B -> Axe-Fx Amp-Sim -> Matrix GT1000 -> Diezel 2x12 -> Speaker right.
We checked for sure, both speakers sound nearly identical.
The Reußenzehn Reu-O-Grande is a beast of Amp: Raw, gritty, dirty, cleans perfectly up with guitar Volume. Volume fully -> A blast of Vintage Rock`n Roll! Everybody was stunning how incredible this Amp sounds through the also incredible Diezel 2x12 cabinet. Some Axe-Owners said, no, I don`t believe, the Axe can do that, really. This Amp is too awesome. First, we tried the "Plexi 100W Normal" Sim in the Axe. Leveled both chains to same subjective volume. AB`ed: To dark, not enough gain. Instead of tweaking, we switched to the "Plexi 100W High" Sim. Everything (!) on default = Amp Sim reset. AB`ed: BAM! Same grit, punch, gain structure, dirt, pressure. But still a bit darker than the Reußenzehn. So, we did ONE tweak: Presence to 10. AB`ed: STUNNING. Both sounds (nearly) identical. Unbelievable. Let`s do a blind test: a hand in front of the Input Leds, somebody else switched beetween the two chains - no audible difference. We asked the player: Which one did you play? Reußenzehn or Axe-Fx? He said: Reußenzehn. Removing the hand from the Input LEDs, they flicker when playin`. No MAN, you played the AXE-FX!

Conclusion: Reußenzehn Amp = Axe-Fx "Plexi 100W High", everything (!!!!!) default, but Presence to 10 + Matrix GT1000.

2) Diezel 2x12 cabinet vs. Cab IRs of the actual cabinet through Matrix Q12a FRFR Box. Now, only the "Axe-Fx Reußenzehn" + Matrix GT1000 -> Diezel 2x12 (now both speakers!) vs. "Axe-Fx Reußenzehn" + CAB Block with IRs of the Diezel 2x12, we shot and include in this CAB PACK - through Q12a. We found out, that the Cab was really good represented with a 50/50 MIX using the Neumann TLM103 (Nearfield front) + Audia Tecnica 2035 ("rear corner"). Same punch and pressure, the character of the actual cabinet was really well represented. Frequency wise not 100% the same, but absolutely in the same ballpark. Many of the people said, that they liked now the Q12a with the "Diezel 2x12 G12K100 MIX N+R" IR more, than the actual cabinet!

So, try it out for yourself: Put the "Diezel 2x12 G12K100 MIX N+R" IR in the Cab Block and rock on!

------------- Vox AC30 -------------
This Preset represents the following comparison:

Guitar -> Vox AC30, loaded with 2x12" Celestions Blue "Bulldog" Speakers vs. Guitar -> Axe-Fx II "Class-A 30W" / "Class-A 30W TB" through Matrix Q12a FRFR Box.
Our User Pacosipulami knows a lot of AC30`s, because he is making his living from repairing Amps! He stated, that this Exemplar was one of the best AC30, he ever played through. Brown Tolex, around 1987-1989. 6 (!) Inputs. 3 different * low & high.
This was "unreal" ;) Switching just the guitar cable between the actual Amp and the Axe-Rig, we did not believe it, but we heard it: No (NO!) difference in the "amp-in-the-room" area. Also soundwise/frequencywise, both Rigs sounds damn close! We used again a combination of two IRs: "Vox AC30 Blue TLM103 N" Nearfield front IR + "Vox AC30 Blue AT2035 R" "rear corner" IR. The "Vox AC30 Blue MIX N+R" IR in this package represents exactly that 50/50 mix, mixed in CabLab.

You want a clean AC30? Keep the Input Drive there, where the Input drive (= Volume on the Amp) is on the actual amp: slightly under 9 o`clock!!!! Raise instead the Amp-Sim Volume!
You want grid and dirt and gain on the real Amp? We raised the Volume to 12 o`clock. It was DAMN LOUD and the actual Amp was everything, but NOT CLEAN! Exactly like the Axe-Fx!

Conclusion: The "right" Cab Ir or Cab IR Mix and therefor the matching FRFR Speaker can emulate the real-deal Speaker cabinet soundwise AND feel-wise! This is our experience. Nothing more. Nothing less.Yeah, we were SHOCKED too! ;)
So, try it out for yourself: Put the "Vox AC30 Blue MIX N+R" IR in the Cab Block and rock on! If it`s too bright, raise a bit the Hi-Cut (ca. 10 o`clock). Nothing more to do to match the real deal (matched with Matrix Q12a).


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Axe-Fest 2020 Online Teilnehmer
Axe-Fest 2017 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Okt 27, 2012
Noch einen kleinen Verschreiber gefunden:

Absatz: ------------- DIEZEL 2x12 MIX N+R -------------

Audia Tecnica 2035 > Audio Technica 2035


Axe-Fest 2019 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Sep 28, 2012
Danke "TheShadow". Ich kürze es noch etwas ... und dann brauchts nur noch die Bilder...


Kein Problem. Ich versuche mal nächstes Mal auch dabei zu sein.
Dann gibt es auch jemanden der noch schlechter als der Fotograf spielt. :biggrin:

Noch einen kleinen Verschreiber gefunden:

Absatz: ------------- DIEZEL 2x12 MIX N+R -------------

Audia Tecnica 2035 > Audio Technica 2035
Ja das Mikro war konsequent falsch. :rolleyes:


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Sep 29, 2012
Ich finde den Text auch gelungen und Dein Einsatz hat allen Respekt verdient. Mir sind noch ein paar denglische Formulierungen aufgefallen, die noch verbesserungsfähig sind. Vielleicht wäre es unter dem Aspekt der Fokussierung aber besser, daraus zwei oder gar drei Texte zu machen. Denn der Text ist im Moment drei in einem:
- die technischen Infos zu den IRs, Dateinamen etc.,
- Zusatzinfos zur Entstehung der IRs,
- ein Bericht über das Axe-Fest.
Ein auf's Wesentliche eingedampftes Readme könnte ja durchaus auf die anderen beiden Texte verweisen, den Erfahrungsbericht kann ich mir durchaus auch imInternationalen Forum vorstellen.

Wie immer imho, ymmv, etc. pp., Gruß & Kuss...


Axe-Fest 2019 Teilnehmer
Mitglied seit
Sep 28, 2012
Ich finde den Text auch gelungen und Dein Einsatz hat allen Respekt verdient. Mir sind noch ein paar denglische Formulierungen aufgefallen, die noch verbesserungsfähig sind. Vielleicht wäre es unter dem Aspekt der Fokussierung aber besser, daraus zwei oder gar drei Texte zu machen. Denn der Text ist im Moment drei in einem:
- die technischen Infos zu den IRs, Dateinamen etc.,
- Zusatzinfos zur Entstehung der IRs,
- ein Bericht über das Axe-Fest.
Ein auf's Wesentliche eingedampftes Readme könnte ja durchaus auf die anderen beiden Texte verweisen, den Erfahrungsbericht kann ich mir durchaus auch imInternationalen Forum vorstellen.

Wie immer imho, ymmv, etc. pp., Gruß & Kuss...
Ja. D`accord. Trotzdem: Ich bin jetzt damit fertig und werde mich da nur noch gegen Bares weiter mit beschäftigen ... :p Irgndwann iss dann auch ma gut im "für lau" Bereich ... :devilish: Ich sitz da jetzt schon den ganzen Tag dran ... Peter, wo bleiben die fu**ing pics? :bounce:
Zuletzt bearbeitet: